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Breaking Rock to Excavate a Basement

Using Dexpan to Excavate Rock in a Basement

Remove rock below an existing home.

Vancouver Island, British Columba

1.   Confined space prevented use of heavier tools or machinery.  
2.  Need to break and remove rock without damaging foundations. 
3.  Avoiding noise and vibrations that might affect neighbours.

1.   Dexpan non-explosive demolition grout.
2.  1-1/4" diameter Dexpan filled holes, 1/8" relief holes
3.  Dexpan filled holes spaced  12" apart, relief holes halfway between
4.  Patience:  Give the Dexpan maximum time to cure and fully expand 

" The stuff works great. it’s pretty amazing stuff and definitely a cost effective and precise system for what I’m doing. I’ve generally been drilling 1 ¼” holes for the Dexpan at roughly 12” apart and I usually drill an empty 7/8” hole halfway between these holes to help the cracking process and keep the cracks headed where I want. I’m finding it’s best to let it totally cure as it just continues to expand.  Works really well just wish it would go a little quicker haha. Drilling is pretty time consuming. If the rock is harder I’ll shorten up the spacing a bit too,"   

Below are some pictures from the project  Thanks for sharing Cory!


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